Pressemitteilungen Juni 2020

Portrait of hardworking male using level to stick to strict construction scale and put red bricks on concrete wall properly. Pedantic builder try to work right. Building concept Schlagwort(e): portrait, hardworking, stacker, man, builder, hardhat, male, use, level, stick, strict, construction, scale, put, red, bricks, concrete, wall, properly, try, work, right, building, concept, professional, skilled, bricklayer, focus, big, special, blocks, lay, unfinished, structure, materials, make, industry, site, engineer, brickwork, constructor, masonry, craftsman, job, architecture, measure, stonework, laborer, install, equipment, portrait, hardworking, stacker, man, builder, hardhat, male, use, level, stick, strict, construction, scale, put, red, bricks, concrete, wall, properly, try, work, right, building, concept, professional, skilled, bricklayer, focus, big, special, blocks, lay, unfinished, structure, materials, make, industry, site, engineer, brickwork, constructor, masonry, craftsman, job, architecture, measure, stonework, laborer, install, equipment
H_Ko /

Coronakrise stürzt mitteldeutsche Wirtschaft in Stimmungstief

17. Juni 2020 | Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Eindämmungsmaßnahmen rufen in Mitteldeutschland eine branchenübergreifende Wirtschaftskrise hervor.

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Conceptual image of international logistics, featuring a docker, looking at the unloading of a container ship by huge cranes in the Schlagwort(e): transport, transportation, freight, concept, shipping, port, export, bulk, docker, import, international, modern, huge, goods, technology, hard hat, conceptual, large, logistics, overalls, multinational, economics, economy, coveralls, red, looking at, industrial, safety, containers, commerce, industry, container ship, harbor
weerasak /

Sächsische Handwerkskammern begrüßen das Konjunkturpaket der Bundesregierung

4. Juni 2020 | Zu den Ergebnissen des Koalitionsausschusses zum Konjunkturpaket und für die Zukunftssicherung des Wirtschaftsstandortes Deutschland erklären die drei sächsischen Handwerkskammern: [...].

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